My Dream Job | Meet Ashleigh Thornton Founder of Noire Naturals

How I Landed My Dream Job

How does one Full-time student,  Intern, and Entrepreneur do it? Meet Ashleigh Thornton, she’s only 21!

As we know, the Natural Hair Craze has turned been a movement rather than a journey of embracing African-American natural beauty. Going natural is an experience, not a movement.  One young lady in Charlotte, landed her dream job by creating Noire Naturals.

Noire Naturals, the 100% all natural hair care products for the kinky, curly, wavy and relaxed/transitioning hair, happened by accident. Little did Ashleigh Thornton know, she was well way on her way to being recognized by Seventeen Magazine, Fox Charlotte, Core Mag, Female Entrepreneur Association, and many more (the list goes on).

Here’s how Ashleigh landed her dream job:

HILMDJ: What Was Your Initial Career Goal? How has that changed from your current endeavors?

Ashleigh: My initial goal was (and still is) to become a politician! It hasn’t “changed” what I am currently doing, but I like to think that the two occupations compliment each other; some of the most influential and impactful leaders in politics have had a strong background in business!

HILMDJ: How did you get started? What sparked you to launch Noire Naturals?

Ashleigh: My inspiration for starting my business actually came by accident when I was 19 years-old and had decided to “go natural.” I experimented with all KINDS of “natural” hair products, and found that many of them contained harmful ingredients. Once I realized how many people out there shared some of my same frustrations, I was determined to formulate an all-natural product line of my own. I got my start by spending two years developing my products, and saving all of the initial funding so that I wouldn’t have to borrow money or take out a bank loan!

HILMDJ: What keeps you grounded?

Ashleigh: What keeps me grounded is constantly reminding myself (and others) that I did NOT get where I am today all by myself. Though I do not have any partners, I have a had unmeasurable support from my friends, family and mentors. I also stay grounded by making sure to give credit where it’s due. My all-time favorite quote (well, technically scripture) Jeremiah 29:11 — For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future (NIV).

Ashleigh’s advice for anyone looking to achieve career happiness, Do whatever it is that you are PASSIONATE about; don’t make money or success your motive.

To find out more about Ashleigh, and Noire Naturals connect with them online. All you product junkies out there, be on the look out for Noire Naturals Holiday Sale the week before Christmas.

Ashleigh’s Twitter: @IAmNoire |  Twitter: @NoireNaturals

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…this is How Ashleigh Thornton Landed Her Dream Job, she created it.

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